Christian Adams
Christian Adams is one of Britain’s leading and multi-award winning political cartoonists, currently working for the London Evening Standard as its political cartoonist.
Christian Adams's videos
What Christian Adams's clients say
"Christian spoke at a creative event hosted by one of our key agencies. It was hugely engaging talk about newspaper cartoons and how a single image can sometimes shout louder than a thousand words - becoming iconic and inspiring millions. Christian spoke about his thought process behind his quick-witted drawings, how the role of cartoons has evolved in the digital world and discussed some of his favourite images. It was an immensely entertaining and interesting session. Christian is a fabulous speaker who really engages with the audience. We had an incredible amount of positive feedback with it being voted the best talk of the whole event."
"Christian Adams came to a pre-Christmas event to talk after supper on his approach to creating a daily cartoon. His insight into the development of ideas was fascinating, particularly the way in which his thoughts are shared with and knocked around by his news colleagues. We felt as if we had been in the room that day with them generating tomorrow's humour. I am sure most of the audience as a result take a closer interest in his political cartoons and their themes especially those who had their own copy of the day's cartoon re-autographed!"
"I worked with Christian when I was the facilitator/MC at a senior executive retreat inside Windsor Castle. Christian was the after-dinner speaker. The audience had had a very thought-provoking and challenging day so they were a tad tired by the time Christian got up to speak. The audience warmed to him immediately. His engaging manner, sharp-mind, depth of political knowledge and sense of humour were perfectly mixed with examples of his cartoons. The 'back-story' of each drawing made it a fascinating, informative and entertaining talk. Highly recommended."
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Christian Adams's 2025 biography
Christian Adams’ Background
Christian Adams is a multi-award winning political cartoonist for the London Evening Standard and a keynote speaker.
As one of Britain’s leading political cartoonists, Christian has been drawing, doodling and caricaturing from a very young age. Drawing on the talents of his mother a professional children’s illustrator and his father an enthusiastic cartooning amateur, Christian threw himself into cartooning as his life’s true calling.
His childhood hobby soon became his life, and he couldn’t believe his luck when he realised you could make a career from it!
During his career, Christian has held many cartooning positions. A niche job, to put it mildly, Christian has managed to have full time employment cartooning for the last 35 years.
At Bristol College, studying Graphic Design, Christian swiftly gained employment drawing topical cartoons for the city’s listings guide. He passed the degree with a 2:2. The examiners said that unfortunately he was “too limited to cartooning.” He took that as a compliment.
The moment he left, he was recommended by the legendary Trog (Wally Fawkes) to stand in for him doing profile caricatures at The Observer.
With a portfolio that was getting fatter and fatter with cartoons done for Time Out, Solicitors’ Journal, Private Eye, Radio Times among many others, the London Evening Standard were impressed enough to quickly put him on staff as their in-house Features Cartoonist. He had to be on call for five editions a day, with deadlines sometimes right down to 45 minutes.
After 12 years, he moved to The Daily Telegraph, were he took over from Nick Garland as their Political Cartoonist. He had to think up five ideas, get one picked by the editor and then draw up a full cartoon every day of the week.
In 2017, George Osborne became editor of the London Evening Standard and immediately poached him from the Telegraph. His deadlines there are even tighter, arriving at work at 6am and having to turn around that day’s political cartoon by the 10.30am deadline. His office colleagues are now used to the regular sound of his hairdryer frantically drying wet ink!
Christian has won awards for his work including being voted Cartoonist of the Year by The Cartoon Art Trust (2015) and voted Cartoonist of the Year by The Political Cartoon Society (2015).
As a speaker, he talks about his exclusive behind-the-scenes experience, working in both newspapers and politics. He explains the high-profile and high excitement role as a daily newspaper political cartoonist and satirist, working to extremely tight deadlines. He also discusses his unique views and gossip from behind the doors of British politics.
Christian hopes that his cartoons will make readers think as well as laugh.
Articles and podcasts