Thomas Frey Speaker

Thomas Frey

Executive director of the DaVinci Institute, Thomas Frey is Google’s top rated futurist speaker

Over the past decade, Futurist Thomas Frey has built an enormous following around the world based on his ability to develop accurate visions of the future and describe the opportunities ahead.


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Thomas Frey's 2025 biography

Having started seventeen businesses himself and assisting on the development of hundreds more, the understanding Frey brings to his audiences is a rare blend of reality-based thinking coupled with a clear-headed visualization of the world to come.

He has been featured in thousands of articles for both national and international publications including New York Times, Huffington Post, Times of India, USA Today, US News and World Report, Popular science, The Futurist Magazine, Forbes, Fast Company, World Economic Forum, Times of Israel, Mashable, Bangkok Post, National Geographics, ColoradoBiz Magazine, Rocky Mountain News, and many more. He currently writes a weekly “Future Trend Report” newsletter and a weekly column for FuturistSpeaker.

Thomas Frey Futurist Speaker

Predicting the future has little value without understanding the driving forces behind the trends, subtle nuances that can be leveraged, and implications for both the people directly affected in the industry as well as others farther down the technological food chain. Each year his talks touch the lives of tens of thousands of people with his unique brand of customized presentations designed specifically around the needs of each and every audience.

Thomas pushes far beyond the limits of conventional wisdom, often talking about extreme futures and building intriguing “what if” scenarios as a tool for discussing far reaching implications. His presentations not only stretch the imagination but also challenge current thinking.

Tom’s thought-provoking dialogue and intense delivery enables audience members to grasp new possibilities and concepts while comprehending the salient touch points he presents. New ideas have a way of infusing audiences with energy and Thomas has the uncanny ability of touching on the most poignant trends, invigorating everyone who attends.

All talks are custom tailored to mesh with the goals of the event organizers as well as those who attend. While his mind may have been traveling to the far reaches of the future to put your presentation together, he’s very much present, ready to tackle the immediate challenges your audience faces, when he takes the stage.

Forever a student of the world, as his talks take him to many countries around the earth, Thomas has developed original insights and first hand experiences that go far beyond the conventional stories of others. His talks provide up to the minute worldwide scientific data along with expert global trend forecasting.

While it’s easy to wallow in the trouble filled underbelly of life, Thomas sees every problem as an opportunity and keeps all of his talks positive and upbeat, steeped in the wonderment of possibilities. These opportunities are every cloud’s silver lining, and we truly do have spectacular futures and fortunes that lie ahead.

His long anticipated book, “Epiphany Z: 8 Radical Visions for Transforming Your Future” is captivating the attention of a whole new generation of forward thinking business leaders. Epiphany Z is a dynamic approach to envisioning, comprehending, and ultimately thriving in the radically different futures emerging around us at the speed of light. Frey’s unparalleled ability to detect emerging trends from the smallest of clues gives him an edge on other futurists.

Thomas Frey's 2025 talks & topics

Future of Healthcare – “Is Death our only Option?”

We all know that polluted water is bad for us, and that if we distill water and remove all of the so-called impurities, that it’s less than optimal. Somewhere in this entire water spectrum is “perfect water,” meaning it’s perfect for you as an individual, at that particular moment in time.

With over 7 billion people in the world, this would mean there are over 7 billion formulations of perfect water. Complicating it even further, each of these formulations will change every second of every day as the metabolism of the human body changes. Somewhere in this line of thinking is the level of precision that will be needed for tomorrow’s hyper-individualized healthcare.

Future of Banking – “Rethinking the Banking and Finance Industry One Transaction at a Time.”

According to a recent survey by Fiserv of 3,000 bank users, over the past 30 days, more than 80% said they logged into their bank’s website an average of 11 times. But 61% said they had also visited their bank during the same timeframe. Normally we would think that they made the trip to do something they couldn’t online, but that would be wrong. According to their research 53% of customers prefer online banking, but 44% still like to go there in person.

As an industry, banks have studied their customers from thousands of different angles to determine if there are any cracks in their thinking. They all intuitively know that banking industry is in the second half of the bell curve, but so far haven’t spotted the fault lines they all know are coming.

Future of Insurance – “The Future of Risk”

The insurance industry exists as a tool for mitigating the costs and damage associated with a single incident occurring for an individual or organization. But the concept of risk is changing. Driverless cars are reducing risk while flying drones are increasing it. Peer-to-peer models, automated sales channels, telematics, home automation, the sharing economy, big data, pay-as-you-go policies, shifting consumer preferences, and identity theft are all in the process of creating a far different landscape for the insurance industry of tomorrow.

Future Libraries – “122 Things you will be able to do in the library of the future that you can’t do today”

Over the past two decades, information has morphed and shifted into a myriad of different forms, going digital for the most part, with physical books and paper-based sources, as a percentage of the whole, all on the decline. With digital comes an exponential increase in the number of ways we can access, manipulate, search, parse, combine, manage, and store each of the growing number of elements in the knowledge universe. As a result, our expectations surrounding libraries and the activities and capabilities we expect from a local neighborhood information center, are also beginning to change.

Future of the Drone Industry – “Mini Airports: Coming to a city near you”

When it comes to drones, we shouldn’t limit our thinking to their flying capabilities. Instead, the same drone that can fly may also be able to roll along the ground, jump onto a building, climb a tree, adhere to a piece of glass, float on the water or swim under it. In just a few years air taxis will be common in most major cities and along with them will come a new kind of infrastructure – mini airports.

The speed of this evolution will largely depend on pricing. With private planes still costing many times the cost of a first class ticket, it’s never broken into mainstream consciousness. If flying drones can somehow be lowered to 2-3 times an Uber drive across town, it will grow quickly.

Customized Programs

Thomas and The DaVinci Institute use their own systems for forecasting the future. As they learn about your industry and apply their research methodologies, they are able to create a vision of the future that will specifically address the interests of your audience. Past examples include The Future of…

  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Energy
  • Tourism
  • Economic Development
  • Innovation
  • Infrastructure
  • Food
  • Airline Industry
  • Housing and Real Estate

Future of AI – “Rethinking the Human Experience”

It’s important to understand the symbiotic relationship, if the human economy collapses, so will the AI economy. While we’re not going to let the bots take over just yet, it’s clear that bots are going to be meeting many of our needs, offering proactive advice, and serving us in favorable ways. Since the best possible interfaces come from the inside out, working with AI will be far less about us trying to understand the technology and far more about technology trying to understand us.

In the AI era, technology will slide further behind the curtain into more of an assistive role, one that is not meant to be all about shiny new gadgets and operating system updates. Over time, the gadget craze will subside, as we shift our collective attention to rethinking the human experience.

Future of the 5G – “Beyond 5G, the great enabler for future industries”

With the Internet being a multidimensional communications network, Thomas likes to think of it from the perspective of being inside a bag with people pushing on all of the outer walls simultaneously. The future of 5G is not any one thing, it’s many. For this talk, Thomas has broken the transformative nature of 5G into eight causal dimensions that he uses to expand our understanding of this next wave communication system.

Future of Finance – “The Coming Explosion of Megaprojects”

Gone are the days where people are impressed by projects costing $10-$50 million or even $100 million. We are witnessing an explosion in the number of $1 billion+ projects with many now exceeding $100 billion. Megaprojects are set to triple over the coming decade, reaching a staggering 24% of global GDP by 2030.

Future of Transportation – “The Most Disruptive Technology in All History”

In the future, our cars will know far more about us than we know about them. Each new vehicle will instantly know how to adjust the seats, what music we like, our favorite TV shows and where we left off in the latest series. It will also understand where we’re going, letting those we’re meeting with know when we will arrive. As transportation becomes faster, cheaper, and easier, we will simply do more of it.

We’re moving towards a very fluid society, and all this movement will seem natural and effortless. It’s important to understand that driverless technology will not only be applied to cars, but also tractors, trucks, ships, lawnmowers, forklifts, water taxis, snowplows, submarines, drones, trains, and even airplanes. It will soon touch the lives of every person on planet earth.

Your Business in 2030 – “Creating a Future-Resilient Organization”

Unlike the study of macro or megatrends, situational futuring is a micro-futuring process that begins with a single invention, tiny idea, or what-if condition and expands from there. The process begins with an initial scenario and asking some of the standard who-what-when-where-how-and-why questions. Probing deeper, questions formulated around things like timing, monetary implications, disruptive effects, symbiotic partners, who-wins-who-loses, wild cards, policy changes, and strange bedfellows will help expand your thinking even further. This works particularly well in a brainstorming environment where thoughts and ideas can be quickly sketched out, described, or clarified so more can be added.

Future Industries – “100,000 new micro industries to be created over the next two decades”

Every major industry today was started as a micro industry. Everything from steel, to photography, oil, airlines, electricity, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, and search engines all worked their way into existence from a tiny starting point. Over the coming two decades we will be witnessing an unprecedented wave of innovation and creativity driven by new tools of production. During this time we will see an explosion of over 100,000 new micro industries that will employ hundreds of millions of people.

Future of Education – “Future Proofing Education Today for 
Tomorrow’s Workforce”

It is no longer possible to predict the educational needs of business 4-5 years in advance. In fact, we need to prepare students for jobs that don’t exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented, to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet. With the average person entering the workforce in 2030 needing to reboot their career six times, we are entering a period of unprecedented opportunity for reskilling tomorrow’s workforce. By 2030 the largest company on the Internet will be an education-based company that we haven’t heard of yet.

Future Jobs – “Preparing Yourself for the Workforce of the Future”

What are the odds that the job you’ll be doing 10 years from now doesn’t exist today? Turns out the odds are pretty high. Even though much of today’s technology is giving us super-human attributes and virtually everyone can now think-faster, know-faster, and do-faster than ever before, every new technology requires new skills, talents, and understandings that are hard to quantify. This talk takes audiences on a fascinating journey into the industries of tomorrow and the jobs they’ll create along the way.

Future of Agriculture – “Soon to Become the Coolest Profession on Earth”

Can better food create better people? Will a better food supply lead to healthier, stronger, better thinking people? This is exactly the premise that is driving many of the advances in farming today. To understand agribusiness in the future, we must probe into the changing nature of consumer demand and the entire human-food interface. As we transition from today’s fad-based diets to more science based ones, our ability to read and monitor a person’s metabolic reaction to the food eaten will cause the agriculture industry to evolve with great precision around the tiny niche demands in consumer marketplace.

Thomas Frey Unplugged – Future Trend Briefings

Tom’s understanding of the world around us clearly shines when he goes off-script and gets interactive with small groups and executive teams. Both his depth of knowledge on specific industries, coupled with a broader perspective on system, technology, and lifestyle trends makes each session a riveting experience. Gone are the vagaries and generalized outlooks that accompany most predictions. Instead, he has a way of opening the hood to reveal the inner workings of the real drivers powering the engines of change.