Adele Bates Speaker

Adele Bates

Behaviour & Education Specialist, Adele Bates is an author and behaviour management speaker

Adele Bates is a Behaviour & Education specialist who helps school leaders, classroom teachers, homeschooling carers, and parents support pupils with behavioural needs and SEMH to thrive with their education.


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Adele Bates's videos

What Adele Bates's clients say

Here is some of the feedback from audiences and clients who have worked with Adele.

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  • English
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Complete the form below to check Adele Bates's availability. If you prefer, you can also send an email directly to our head office.

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Adele Bates's 2025 biography

Meet Adele Bates

Adele works with teachers, school leaders and educators who are struggling to engage pupils with challenging behaviour; who want to create inclusive classrooms where learning is the focus.

Adele’s vision is for education is one in which all differences are included and welcomed; education is flexible, relevant and leads towards positive social change.

Adele Bates's 2025 talks & topics

Teenagers and behaviour - Why they do what they do, and how we can support them to thrive

All you asked was for them to put their bag on the floor and WHAM!

Teenagehood is a particular time of child development; discriminated across society and largely misunderstood, teenagers are infamous for their more *fruity* behaviour in our classrooms. These talks reveal some of the mysteries of the teenage brain, how that affects pupils’ learning approaches, and how we can support our teens to become positive parts of social change.

Adele has featured on BBC Radio 4 as their expert on Teenagers & Behaviour, discussing how the unique teen brain works – these talks enable you to benefit from her knowledge AND put it into your specific scenario, with your teens on a Friday afternoon double period…

“Miss, I don’t give a sh*t” – Behaviour management: In the classroom or whole school approach

Do you want to be the inspiring teacher and leader you dreamed of, but it’s more like a losing battle to get them to be quiet, crying teachers in the staffroom and the odd flying desk?

Author of newly released “Miss, I don’t give a sh*t” Engaging with Challenging Behaviour in Schools, Adele Bates, shares practical approaches, strategies and tips from her on-the-ground, over 20 years of teaching experience. In her humorous and down to earth way, she gives you the tools to ensure that positive relationships and learning gets back to being the focus in your school…

Equality and inclusion in schools

Equality, privilege, bias, political correctness and what type of loos do we need now? Adele’s practical talks reveal why a focus on equality, inclusion and bias links directly to behaviour and a positive outcome for your staff and pupils’ ability to engage and learn. Alongside the theory, Adele shares tools to help you put this in place in your organisation now and how to embed it for the long term.

Emotional wellbeing in schools

Academic progress, positive outcomes and targets – arguably some of the main reasons for education, however in her talks Adele reveals why without awareness of Emotional Wellbeing for staff and pupils, the former visions don’t hold. With over 20 years experience in schools, Adele shares practical approaches to embedding Emotional Wellbeing strategies within the organisation at every level, and how to teach and support it overtly for staff and pupils so that in the long run the focus can be the learning.

Support pupils with extreme behavioural needs and SEMH

“It never existed in my day, we just had to behave…”

Whilst this can be a common belief, it doesn’t actually help our pupils with SEMH and extreme behavioural needs (or the adults around them!). In her talks Adele gets to the nub of what SEMH actually is, why some pupils struggle to not disrupt and how, as with any other SEND, we differentiate our learning environments so that these pupils too can thrive with their education. Author of newly released “Miss, I don’t give a sh*t” Engaging with Challenging Behaviour in Schools, Adele Bates, shares practical approaches, strategies and tips from her on-the ground, over 20 years of teaching experience. In her humorous and down to earth way, she gives
you the tools to ensure that positive relationships and learning gets back to being the focus in your school…