Andrew Wilson Speaker

Andrew Wilson

Veteran TV news anchor and an award winning foreign correspondent

Andrew Wilson – Award-winning News Anchor, International Correspondent, Event Host, Moderator, Facilitator, Keynote Speaker, Specialist in International Affairs, the Environment, Sustainability, Skills Trainer


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Andrew Wilson's 2025 biography

Andrew Wilson’s Background

A veteran presenter of live television programmes and an award-winning foreign correspondent, Andrew Wilson is a leading news and communications professional.

Andrew’s is an experienced conference moderator and event host. He is also an expert interviewer having hosted his own current affairs show on Sky for ten years. Those skills have been deployed in any number of corporate productions including a series of International CEO sit-down interviews around the world for Reuters and thought leadership exchanges at the WEF in Davos.

For ten years Andrew worked on the news front line as a foreign correspondent bureau in Moscow, Jerusalem and then Washington DC. He covered conflicts and breaking news, reporting live and presenting programmes from Afghanistan, Libya, Gaza, Chechnya, Haiti, the Asia Tsunami, Ukraine, Egypt, Africa, Lebanon and Iraq. He covered three US elections, two in Israel, two in Russia and any number in the UK.

On his return to the UK his program, Live at 5 on Sky News won best RTS best news program in 2016. He was also awarded numerous international awards for his coverage overseas.

Ever since he covered the first Earth Summit in Rio, Andrew has harboured a special interest in environmental stories. He presented a series of live shows from the Amazon jungle ahead of COP 15 in 2009 and has moderated environmental and business conferences in the City as well as hosting numerous Virgin Formula E events in New York and Paris.

Andrew is an experienced media and skills trainer and regularly works with news presenters and reporters. He works with the John Schofield Trust to mentor young journalists and is a contributor to the Westminster Foreign Affairs think tank Global Strategy Forum and a member of BAFTA.