Andy Lopata Speaker

Andy Lopata

Professional Relationship Strategist

Andy Lopata is a business networking strategist, working with organizations across the world to help them develop and effectively leverage their networks, encouraging more collaboration and openness within the organizations.


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What Andy Lopata's clients say

Here is some of the feedback from audiences and clients who have worked with Andy.

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Andy Lopata's 2025 biography

An expert on building, nurturing and leveraging professional relatonships, Andy Lopata was called ‘one of Europe’s leading business networking strategists’ by the Financial Times and ‘a true master of networking’ by He is a podcast host, the author of five books on networking and professional relatonships and has been quoted in a number of other business books. His sixth book, The Financial Times Guide to Mentoring, will be published in April 2024.

Andy is a two-­time board member and former President of the Fellows Community of the Professional Speaking Associaton UK and Ireland (PSA), a Fellow of the Learning and Performance Insttute and a Member of the Association of Business Mentors and the Meetings Industry Association. He was awarded the PSA Award of Excellence in 2017.

Andy’s clients and audiences over the years have included the BBC, Amazon, Paypal, Dyson, Wembley Stadium, GlaxoSmithKline, Allen & Overy, HSBC, Brother Internatonal Europe, Wella, Hong Kong Broadband Networks, Said Business School, the Prime Minister’s Office in Dubai and many more.

Areas of Expertise

  • Professional relatonships
  • Referrals and influence
  • Social media
  • Staying connected and engaged while socially distanced
  • Vulnerability, mentoring and masterminding

Andy Lopata's 2025 talks & topics

Just Ask

You can’t do it all on your own.

Whatever you think about your abilites, and whatever you’d like other people to think, you will achieve so much more in your career and in your role if you’re open to the support of others. Yet, unfortunately, whether because of tme pressures, the need to save face or sheer lack of focus, very few of us achieve anywhere near the level of success that our network could help us reach.

This session is designed to help you change that. Over the course of this interactve session, Andy will share some powerful stories from his book, ‘Just Ask’ and we will look at:

  • Why we don’t like to let anyone help us
  • The importance of a trusted network and where to find it
  • When and where to share
  • The role of mentors and sponsors
  • Why vulnerability is so important and can be a positve experience

Partcipants in this session will go away with a much clearer focus on how to harness the power of their network to find answers, to challenge them and to drive their career or business to the next level.

Vulnerable Leadership

People look to their leaders for strength and directon, partcularly in tmes of uncertainty. But does that mean that leaders need to know all of the answers, all of the tme? At a tme when people are being encouraged to share their vulnerability, how can leaders do so while stll commanding respect? If, indeed, it is desirable for them to do so.

Author of ‘Just Ask: Why Seeking Support is your Greatest Strength’, Andy Lopata will explore the apparent contradictons between vulnerability and strong leadership. Andy will argue that not only is vulnerability an asset for leaders but it is a sign of strength and works to the benefit of the leader as an individual and the people they lead.

This can be delivered as a keynote talk, a facilitated discussion or a combinaton of the two.

Speak Up!

Creatng a Culture Where People Feel Comfortable Being Vulnerable & Open

There is much focus on the importance of being vulnerable and ensuring psychological safety in the workplace. But is it that simple? It’s not possible to just tell people that it’s OK to be vulnerable and expect them to open up, most people won’t respond to that.

In this three module programme, Andy will explore what leaders can do:

  • to be more vulnerable personally and transparent with people around them and how that will enhance their status as a leader,
    rather than diminish it;
  • as an individual leader to ensure that their teams are comfortable being open and vulnerable with them;
  • to ensure that the corporate culture is one that encourages and rewards openness.

Just One Reason The Power of Professional Relatonships

Successful organisatons, projects and careers rest on strong relatonships. Whether with colleagues, clients, suppliers, investors or others, if you have a network developed on deep relatonships, you then have people who will refer you, advocate for you, feed you advice and insights and support you in whatever ways you need.

In this talk, Andy explores the fundamentals of building, nurturing and leveraging strong professional relatonships.

During the session he looks at:

  • Where are the gaps in your professional relatonships?
  • Understanding the ‘Relatonship Matrix©’ and how it helps projects thrive
  • The importance of cognitve diversity
  • The 7 Stages of Professional Relatonships
  • When to be transactonal and when to be friends
  • Knowing how to make it easy for your connectons to support you when they are ready to

Connected Leadership

Why are professional relatonships relevant to top leaders?

How can you make a difference by connectng with key employees, stakeholders, influencers and others?

Andy interviewed a number of top leaders on the role their relatonships have played in their success and in this presentaton he shares their thoughts, combined with his experience of the power of networks.

What You Will Learn:

  • The role professional relatonships play in successful businesses
  • How your network can communicate your brand and your values
  • The importance of mentoring
  • The role of strategic alliances
  • How your network can keep you in tune with what is happening in your company, in your industry and beyond
  • The importance of long term relatonships

How NOT to Get Referrals

With growing competton and more demands on budgets, it’s becoming harder and harder to win new business. Yet stll so many sales people leave potental new revenues untapped and unexplored.

The reason is very simple. Across a range of industries, referral strategies range from tred and predictable to passive to simply non­existent. A large number of sales people and business owners become complacent when it comes to referrals and simply expect them to appear. Networking is stll treated as a skill, not a core business strategy. Where referrals strategies do exist they tend to be lazy, poorly tmed and ineffectve.

As a result, potental new business simply goes elsewhere. In this talk, Andy will share with you the key mistakes he sees practced by so many unsuccessful companies tme and tme again.

The mistakes that ensure that they don’t get anywhere near as many referrals as they should.

Just One Reason Developing Strong Relatonships as Part of a Referrals Strategy

Referrals lie at the heart of successful business development strategies, yet ofen they are lef to chance. While we invest in almost every other route to market ­ PR, cold calling, advertsing, SEO and more ­ too many companies simply expect referrals as a result of happy clients.

This is an ineffectve approach and leaves a lot of business on the table untapped. In ‘Just One Reason’, Andy explores the fundamentals of building, nurturing and leveraging strong professional relatonships with people who can refer on a consistent basis.

During the session Andy will explore:

  • How to develop a strong strategic network with key stakeholders in a positon to refer you both inside your organisaton and beyond
  • The importance of Six Degrees of Separaton and why so many opportunites are missed
  • Understanding the ‘Relatonship Matrix and how it helps projects thrive
  • The 7 Stages of Professional Relatonships
  • How to nurture relatonships so that people want to refer you
  • What stops us from asking for help
  • Why so many intermediary relatonships fail
  • How to make it easy for people to help you

Managing Professional Relatonships While Socially Distanced

It is challenging to maintain professional relatonships with people when you can’t see them in person. In additon, the way people engage and react changes when anxiety levels have increased in other areas of their lives.

The period of lockdown during the Covid­19 crisis shone a spotlight on the importance of professional relatonships and human connecton. Those relatonships became more important than ever for so many people and yet, at the same time, much harder to maintain.

So how can we maintain and nurture remote relatonships and what can we learn from the challenges of maintaining connectons during Covid­19 that we can apply to our professional relatonships moving forward?

Designed as a short presentaton or discussion topic or, alternatvely, a longer presentaton incorporatng the key points from ‘Just One Reason’.

Strengthening Links: Building Stronger Connectons and Generatng Referrals Through LinkedIn

Too ofen dismissed as a job search site or a huntng ground for new cold leads, LinkedIn has the potental to be an incredibly powerful tool to support a strong professional relatonships strategy.

Using LinkedIn effectvely you can atract and seek referrals to prospects, great new talent and influental new contacts. The focus doesn’t have to be just on growing your network though, you can build stronger relatonships with existng connectons through ongoing engagement and increased visibility, ensuring that you’re top of mind when they need you or have an opportunity to support or refer you.

Whether a keynote talk, a short programme or a masterclass, Andy will work with you to understand:

  • How LinkedIn can support your professional relatonships and referral strategy
  • What’s needed to get your profile right so that your first impression leads to more
  • With whom to connect and how to manage outbound and inbound connecton requests
  • How to engage productvely with your connectons both ‘network­wide’ and ‘network­deep’
  • How to use LinkedIn to generate strong referrals
    Programmes include a LinkedIn audit of partcipants’ profiles and actvity both before and during the duraton of the programme.