Charlie McCreevy speaker

Charlie McCreevy

Former European Commissioner for Internal Market & Services, & Irish politician

Charlie McCreevy is a respected Irish politician.


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Charlie McCreevy's videos


  • English
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Check Charlie McCreevy's availability for your event

Complete the form below to check Charlie McCreevy's availability. If you prefer, you can also send an email directly to our head office.

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Please provide details of your budget for Charlie McCreevy's speaking fee, including currency.

Charlie McCreevy's 2025 biography

Charlie McCreevy’s Background

Charlie McCreevy was the European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services from 2004–10. He played a crucial role in overseeing the European financial system, regulations governing the banking system and the development of a single market in financial services throughout the EU.

He has a reputation as an experienced, lively and sometimes outspoken commentator on issues relating to Ireland’s economy and to Europe – from the current Eurozone economic crisis, to the future of the EU and the challenges facing the European financial services sector.

  • European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services (2004-2010)
  • Previous roles have included Ireland’s Minister for Social Welfare, Minister for Tourism and Trade and Minister for Finance
  • Expert on economic recovery, the European Union and the Eurozone

A uniquely engaging speaker, McCreevy presents in English