Jennifer Sarah Boone
For almost 20 years Jennifer Sarah Boone have been on stage and in front of the camera for numerous events of all kind of industries. But in the past couple of years there has been one sector dominating her client list: Technology.
Jennifer Sarah Boone's videos
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Jennifer Sarah Boone's 2025 biography
Jennifer Sarah Boone’s background
With her constantly growing fascination for AI, digitalisation and innovation and her continuing education in that field, Jennifer have become the bilingual presenter for technology, innovation and digitalisation.
During her performing arts studies, Sarah already had a love for language and speaking, maybe due to her time at the Waldorf School, which focuses strongly on presenting, voice training and lyric poetry.
Sarah especially enjoyed awareness training and working on her breathing technique and articulation. Her time as a newsreader brought her closer to voice over work and helped her develop her studio microphone skills.
Though she still felt the urge to deepen her skill set by studying media management and media journalism, where she put her focus on nonverbal communication and elocution.
Until today she still feels the urge to constantly continue learning and broadening her horizon.
After workshops on storytelling and body language at the Scharlatan Academy in Hamburg she is currently doing her masters in business psychology – focus on digitalisation.
Sarah has worked with clients as diverse as Intel, Merck, Leica, Huawei, IBM, VW, Manager Magazin and many more.