
Olivier van Duuren

Trend Sensemaker, Transformer, Innovator, Investor, Executive Whisperer, Author

22 years of global experience at Microsoft – Olivier gained unparalleled insights into innovation, transformation, and human performance across diverse industries, including consumer, online, retail, advertising, publishing, and enterprise (B2C-B2B). Experienced business leader, startup investor/enabler and entrepreneur Co-founder of Visual Senseformers – to help companies find their future North Star, build their strategic plan and get everyone to act in days, not months. Leveraging the Power of 3 -Inspiration, Visualization, and Co-Creation- Olivier drives transformation through coaching, keynotes, workshops, and events. Expert in finding balance between Transforming (innovation excellence) while Performing (operational excellence) – Olivier addresses key questions for businesses: What is happening at the outside? How Do You Transform Yourself First? How Do You Turn Transforming into Performing as a business? What strategies drive lasting behavioral change?


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Olivier van Duuren's 2025 biography

Meet Olivier Van Duüren

Olivier Van Duüren is a keynote speaker, trend sensemaker, executive whisperer, transformer, innovator, active investor and author.

‘The world is my playgarden, Europe my future, Belgium my country and Flanders my home’, is Olivier’s life motto. Olivier is passionate about transformation, innovation, trends, and societal changes.

He is a thought leader in transforming (Innovation Excellence) while performing (Operational Excellence). With twenty-two years at Microsoft in international roles and several years as an entrepreneur, Olivier devises future-proof strategies, helping businesses sense the world and find a balance between transforming and performing.

He is the author of “The Dualarity, tap into the energy of your personal and business transformation”, co-founder of Visual Senseformers and the co-author of “Transforming while Performing how organisations can find their North Star and get everyone to act in days, not months”.

Olivier teaches at the Zigurat Business School for Technology and Innovation (University of Barcelona).

He is an active investor in 9.5 Ventures, which creates tailor-made startups for corporates, and serves as a board member/advisor for various companies.

Olivier works with global, regional, and local startups, scale-ups, medium-sized, and large organizations.

Some of his customers are: Airbus, ESA, SES, Microsoft, Torfs, European Commission, VRT, Torfs, SPS, Umicore, Deloitte, Robovision, Vlerick Business School.


Olivier van Duuren's 2025 talks & topics

SEE what’s happening on the Outside

  • The Supply & Demand Mega-Trends
    Digital, Changing Demographics, Socio-Economic, Geo-Political, IR4.0, the Green planet, Pandemics and Wars
  • Its Impact on Society, Industry, The Future of Work and on your industry

Understand how to RESPOND

  • Transform (innovation excellence) while Performing (operational excellence)
  • Personal Transformation. The Anatomy of a Transformer – How Do You Transform Yourself First?
  • Business Transformation. Make it a Strategic Capability – How Do You Turn Transforming into Performing?
  • Culture Transformation. Heartset, Mindset and Actionset – How Do You Start Changing Behaviours?

Successful transformations

  • What can you learn from the top 20 business transformation of the past decade?
  • Steve Jobs and Elon Musk: Visionaries in Engineering

The Microsoft Story

  • How they succeeded to hit refresh over and over

Visual Storytelling & Selling

  • Shoot for the heart, capture the mind and end with a smile. Communicating your ideas is the currency of today to evolve your personal and business brand.

Selling & Telling Your Story. Shoot for the Heart, Capture the Mind and end with a Smile

The Dualarity. Tap into the energy of your Personal and Business Transformation

Transform Yourself so You can Transform Others. Lead Yourself so you can Lead Others

The Age of Transformation. The Supply & Demand side of the Transformation = Consumer, Digital, Demographics, Socio-economic

Digital Transformation. Customer @ Heart, People as the Soul and Digital as the Oxygen

How to Perform while your Transform