Anders Indset
Anders Indset is one of the world’s leading business philosophers and a trusted sparring partner to international CEOs and political leaders. Dubbed “Rock’n’Roll Plato” and “Digital Jesus” by European media, he is currently one of the most sought-after intellectuals with his approach to practical philosophy.
What Anders Indset's clients say
"Anders seeks to understand. Learning how to learn – refining the art of being wrong – is the driving force behind Anders’ actions and thoughts. He describes his journey as a search for better explanations. Anders is also fascinated and driven by the potential of positive progress, and the liberating power of questioning supposedly self-evident truths."
"As a student of the science of consciousness, Anders Indset pursues a philosophy ofdialogical discovery and explores the space between ‘what is’ and ‘that which is not’. Contrary to the suggested binary of the digital world, he sees his work as a dance on the edge of mind and matter, which reveals ambiguities and is never absolute."
"To do this, Anders dives into the void in the dialogue in search of a better understanding. In line with his holistic approach to philosophy, he consciously unifies the differences and contradictions in order to let them grow into something new or a coherent whole – the refinement. He defines the prerequisite of the (European) refinement as a triad – peace, trust, and learning – an ethic that is shaped by learning from one another. It is the guideline for acting for one another – in society, politics, and business – and enables the perception of progress. From this the ‘Mit-Mensch’ – the fellow human being – arises. The philosophy of refinement has no end in mind, it is a process without a goal, resembling life itself: a “wonderful journey to nowhere”. Anders does not start from his own rigid construct of thought with which to explain the world, but rather from a relational and fluid philosophy from which concrete concepts – better explanations – emerge."
"For Anders, philosophy is a thinking practice. He brings thoughts to life."
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Anders Indset's 2025 biography
Anders Indset’s Background
Anders Indset is a native Norwegian, who originally gained global recognition as “The Business Philosopher”, builds bridges between ‘Mensch & Technology’ and shapes the economy of tomorrow with his (approach to) practical philosophy. He has two decades of experience working with multinational organizations and is a trusted sparring partner for international CEOs and political leaders, and is a guest lecturer at leading international business schools. Whether on big stages or in small groups, his unconventional way of thinking and his inspiring and dynamic personality, he moves and activates people, and leads them beyond ‘the given’ and what they hold to be self-evident.
His work focuses on the dialogue between philosophy and business, which has boundless potential. Philosophy – “the art of being wrong” – supports the continuous improvement of business models, methods, and strategies by critically questioning basic economic assumptions and beliefs and uncovering core problems. The unlimited openness of this approach to paradoxes, differences, and ambiguities harbors the potential from which innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial perspectives and solutions can emerge.
Anders Indset is the author of three Spiegel bestsellers: “Wild Knowledge”, “The Quantum Economy”, and “Das infizierte Denken”, and has been translated into over 10 languages to date. In addition to his many co-initiated projects – GBI (Global Blockchain Initiative), #Enkelfähig, and “Die Veredlung Europas” (The European Refinement) – Anders is also a co-founder of the Njordis Group and the Global Institute of leadership & technology (GILT). Thinkers50 has ranked Anders as one of the most influential thinkers in leadership and business in the years to come. His philosophical work focuses on the ongoing search for better explanations and their practical implementation.
Anders Indset's 2025 talks & topics
The Quantum Economy
With his book and the initiation of the Quantum Economy, Anders aims to upgrade the capitalistic model and unleash the potential of quantum theory. The Quantum Economy is a plea for more economy, more (rapid) technological development, and more (human) growth, and thus provide a vibrant vision of humane (positive) capitalism.
Anders believes a key to positive progress and better problems is to change the educational model by applying practical philosophy and to teach:
- analytical thinking and problem solving – It’s not about what you think but how
- how to develop a conscious voice – Not only what we say but how to present,
inspire, and articulate found in classical Rhetorik (Ethos, Pathos, Logos). - self-trust and work ethic – Not only what to do but how to take ownership of outcomes and responsibility for decisions
- an understanding of the potential of collaboration and co-creation – developing an understanding of flow and a trusted environment where friction can lead to progress.
– Leaders of Change
– The Art of Being Wrong – How to free yourself from your own certitudes
– Goethes Leadership Faust – The foundation of leading yourself and others
– The Quantum Economy – Beyond Digital
– AI on AI – What Chat GPT and Artificial Intelligence can not (yet) do
– The Second Quantum Revolution – From theory to practice
– How Near is Singularity Really?
Sustainability/Circular Economy/Regenerative Business
– The Quantum Economy – Saving the Mensch with Humane Capitalism
– Coming Capitalism – How to upgrade our operating system
– Prosperity for Posterity – The Art of Doing Business in the 21st Century
Practical Philosophy (& Education)
– Philosophy@Work – Practical Philosophy for Leaders
– Philosophy Thyself! – Learn how to Learn, Teach how to Teach
– The Quantum Economy – Saving the Mensch with Humane Capitalism
– The infected mind – From a knowledge society to a society of understanding
– Coming Capitalism – Shaping the Quantum Economy
– Prosperity for Posterity – The Art of Doing Business in the 21st Century
Although Anders’ foundation is rooted in philosophy and practical implication of initiated projects he has spoken at many conferences where he has been recognized as a leading futurist.