Frederika Roberts Speaker

Frederika Roberts

Frederika Roberts is an ardent advocate of Positive Education and a subject, senior-level speaker, trainer, and author

Frederika Roberts is an International MSc in Applied Positive Psychology, turned activist for Positive Education. She is a published author, trainer, lecturer, and consultant on Positive Education whose talks are known to be engaging and appealing. Fluent in various languages, Frederika mesmerizes the audience across the globe with her insights about flourishing and wellbeing.


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What Frederika Roberts's clients say

Here is some of the feedback from audiences and clients who have worked with Frederika.

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Available for


  • English
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Frederika Roberts's 2025 biography

Why book Frederika? The key driver for Frederika Roberts is the power of Positive Education. Her base as an academic and personal experiences drive her to contribute to increasing wellbeing and flourishing in schools. Frederika’s motivation is rooted in how she would like educators, students, and members of communities to have the essential tools that will enable them to thrive and lead fulfilling lives. Through constant writing, speaking, training individuals and communities she looks to enable sharing the science of wellbeing with one another.

What kind of speaker is Frederika? Frederika is an exciting and informative speaker who captivates her listeners with knowledge relative to positive psychology and character education. She integrates her academic knowledge with real-world experiences, offering practical ways of facilitating wellbeing and flourishing in educational settings. Frederika’s presentations are interactive, thought-provoking and tailor-made for the needs of the audience leaving a positive impression every time.

Who does Frederika normally speak for? Frederika normally speaks for educational institutions like schools, colleges, and universities as well as educational conferences and events. She also works with organizations and professionals working in the field of Positive Education; she shares her insights coupled with ways of promoting wellbeing and flourishing in educational settings.

Who is Frederika’s typical audience? Frederika’s typical target audience includes educators, school leaders, and professionals working in the discipline of Positive Education. She also addresses parents and students as well as people interested in cultivating wellbeing and flourishing in educational setups. Her talks are geared towards the demands of her target audiences so that she can deliver practical strategies coupled with insights that they can apply across various contexts.

Frederika Roberts’ Notable achievements:

  • Developed the LeAF (Learn and Flourish) model for whole school Positive Education.
  • Published author in Positive and Character Education, including “For Flourishing’s Sake” (2020).
  • European Representative for IPPAed – The International Positive Psychology Association’s Positive Education division.
  • Presented at Positive Education and Positive Psychology annual conferences all over the world including IPPA World Congress Montréal &
  • Melbourne and IPEN Dallas, Fort Worth & London.
  • Fluent in English, Italian, French as well as German

Frederika Roberts is a passionate advocate for Positive Education, with a unique blend of academic expertise and real-world insights. Her engaging and informative presentations captivate audiences, leaving a lasting impression. Whether addressing educators, school leaders, or professionals in the field of Positive Education, Frederika tailors her talks to meet the needs of her audience, delivering practical strategies and insights that can be applied across various contexts. With a track record of notable achievements and fluency in multiple languages, Frederika Roberts is a sought-after speaker, trainer, and author in the field of positive psychology and character education.

Frederika Roberts's 2025 talks & topics

Employee happiness and wellbeing

Everyday habits for mental health and wellbeing.

In a keynote combining inspirational storytelling and the presentation of evidence-based wellbeing tools, your employees will learn about simple tools and everyday habits they can use to support their mental health and wellbeing. With ample evidence showing that employees who are mentally well are more productive, better at problem-solving, and stay with their organisation longer, supporting their mental health and wellbeing is no longer a nice-to-have, but essential to running a successful business.

Pupil/Student wellbeing

i. Supporting wellbeing in key exam years.

In this fun and interactive workshop, students will learn to:

  • Recognise and describe a range of emotions.
  • Understand the role of positive emotions in supporting wellbeing and overcoming negativity bias.
  • Understand stress and how to manage it.
  • Apply practical tools and habits to maintain everyday wellbeing and mental health.
  • Use simple calming practices before exams.
  • Practise activities to boost their mood and optimistic outlook.

ii. Tips and habits for mental health and wellbeing.

In a talk combining inspirational storytelling and the presentation of evidence-based wellbeing tools, students will learn about simple tools and everyday habits they can use to support their mental health and wellbeing.

Character Education / Improving student outcomes through strengths-based tools

i. Supporting positive transition into senior school through character strengths and positive relationships.

In this fun and interactive workshop, students will learn to:

  • Understand and recognise their own character strengths, including when they are over- or under-using certain strengths.
  • Use character strengths to support their learning.
  • Recognise and celebrate the character strengths of their peers and the adults around them to help them build positive relationships.

ii. Supporting progression into higher education and/or the world of work through character strengths.

In this fun and interactive workshop, students will learn to:

  • Recognise, understand and communicate their own strengths (including in the context of university and job applications).
  • Use their character strengths to support their learning and overcome challenges.
  • Recognise when they are under- or over-using certain character strengths.
  • Develop and maintain positive relationships with their peers and the adults around them, through: Recognising and celebrating others’ character strengths & Using active-constructive responding and assertive communication techniques.

Wellbeing for school staff and leadership teams

In a fun and interactive workshop format, school teaching and non-teaching staff, middle- and senior leaders will:

  • Understand what mental health is and how to recognise the signs and symptoms of mental ill-health.
  • Understand stress and how to manage it.
  • Understand the role of positive emotions in supporting their own wellbeing and overcoming negativity bias.
  • Apply practical tools and habits to maintain everyday wellbeing and mental health.
  • Practise activities to boost their mood and optimistic outlook.

Whole School Wellbeing

i. Taking a whole school approach to wellbeing.

In this lively, interactive workshop, Senior Leadership Team members will explore and focus on practical and strategic ways to increase whole school wellbeing, including:

  • Why take a whole school approach? What does it mean?
  • Models of whole school wellbeing.
  • Promoting enthusiasm and buy-in.
  • Systems & policies viewed through a wellbeing lens.
  • Recognising the school’s existing strengths and building on them to support the wellbeing of all members of the school community.
  • Taking into account the school’s unique cultural context.

ii. Appreciative Inquiry – a school-wide approach to promoting wellbeing.

Frederika is a certified Appreciative Inquiry (the best type of ‘AI’!) Practitioner and is using AI methodology in her doctoral research to help all stakeholders in a school community work together to improve wellbeing.

Whether you wish to run a full AI process, or to integrate some of its powerful tools and methodologies into your school’s everyday practices to improve wellbeing in your school, Frederika can work with you as a facilitator and consultant to guide you through this powerful and unique strengths-based process.

iii. Introduction to Positive Psychology to support wellbeing in school: A 5-workshop course for pastoral and leadership teams.

Workshop 1:

  • What is Positive Psychology and why does it matter in a school context?
  • Examples of applications in schools.

Workshop 2:

  • Positive relationships and positive community.

Workshop 3:

  • Introduction to character strengths and their value in supporting positive relationships and learning.
  • Introducing character strengths into everyday school language.

Workshop 4:

  • The role of optimism and positive emotions to support wellbeing and learning.

Workshop 5:

  • Introduction to Flow.
  • The role of purpose and goals in supporting wellbeing.

Strengths-based workplaces

In a lively and highly interactive workshop format, your employees will learn to:

  • Understand and recognise their own character strengths, including when they are over- or under-using certain strengths and how this affects their workplace performance and relationships.
  • Recognise and celebrate their colleagues’ strengths to help them build positive relationships.
  • Communicate their own and the organisation’s strengths (e.g. to support client pitches, to produce marketing materials, etc).
  • Recognise, understand and communicate the strengths of team members they manage, to support positive performance and career progression conversations.
  • Use their character strengths to overcome challenges inside and outside of work.

Positive relationships and teamwork

Building a positive team culture.

In this lively, interactive workshop, staff will learn to:

  • Understand the power and importance of positive relationships inside and outside of work.
  • Recognise and celebrate their own and their colleagues’ strengths.
  • Identify and celebrate the collective strengths within their team and wider organisation.
  • Celebrate commonalities and differences between themselves and colleagues.
  • Get to know colleagues within their own team and other departments better.

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