Tadhg Enright

Versatile journalist, presenter & media consultant

Tadhg is an intelligent, inquisitive, lively journalist and presenter. He has worked across genres including lifestyle and consumer as well as news and current affairs, specialising in business and economics.


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Tadhg Enright's videos

Tadhg’s speaking themes


  • English
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Tadhg Enright's 2024 biography

Tadhg Enright’s background

He is best known for presenting hourly business bulletins on Sky News, offering snappy and insightful analysis on the business stories of the day along with interviews with business leaders and analysts.

As business correspondent, Tadhg also led Sky’s coverage of the Eurozone debt crisis and later led several headline grabbing investigations for RTE One’s The Consumer Show. He is also an accomplished radio presenter for Monocle 24 radio where world affairs, business, design and culture get top billing.

Tadhg has also presented events and moderated debates for Google and the Irish Exporters’ Association among others, drawing on his expertise in international affairs, business and economics along with technology and digital disruption of traditional industries.

Tadhg Enright's 2024 speaking fees

Tadhg travels from:
  • United Kingdom

Specific fees fall within the ranges shown. These are presented as a guide only and are subject to change without notice.

To get an exact quote for your event, click the button below.


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Complete the form below to check Tadhg Enright's availability. If you prefer, you can also send an email directly to our head office.

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Please provide details of your budget for Tadhg Enright's speaking fee, including currency.